
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 30
Issue: 9
Article No. 1
Hydrobiological Studies of the Shahpura Lake, Bhopal With Reference to its Management
Department of Zoology, Saifia Science College, Bhopal, M.P. (India)
Abstract :

A lake is a large body of water surrounded by land and inhabited by various aquatic life forms. Lakes are subjected to various natural processes taking place in the environment, such as the hydrological cycle. Due to tremendous population growth of the city and rapid urban development, lakes are facing various environmental problems resulting in deterioration of its water quality The present investigation was carried out from may 2014 to may 2015 to study the hydrobiology of the shahpura lake of Bhopal (M.P), with special reference to its management. The physico-chemical parameter we have used are pH, Water temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, B.O.D., Chloride, Nitrate, Alkanity, total hardness etc. These parameters suggest that the lake is medium productive. The fish yield of the lake if managed properly on scientific lines can be enhanced.

Keyword : B.O.D, Alkanity, physico-chemical parameter
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