
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 30
Issue: 10
Article No. 1
Determination of Abstract presentation of the point group of the symmetries of SF6 molecule
Department of Mathematics, Devi Charan Barua Girlsu2019 College, Jorhat-785001 (India)
Department of Mathematics, Jorhat Institute of Science & Technology,Jorhat-785010 (India)
Abstract :

The symmetry present in molecules is a fundamental concept in Chemistry. Group Theory is an extremely powerful tool which, in spite of abstractness provides the systematic treatment of symmetry of molecules that simplifies the process of obtaining a variety of information about molecules. Molecules are classified according to their symmetry properties. In this paper, analyzing all the symmetry operations as well as symmetry elements of Sulphur-hexa–floride (SF6) molecule, the authors determine the point group and its abstract presentation as < alpha ,beta | α2 = β4 = (αβ)6 = 1〉

Keyword : molecular symmetry, octahedral geometry, symmetry elements
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