
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 36
Issue: 1
Article No. 1
Computation of Ultrasonic Speed in Binary Liquid Mixture of Acetone and Carbon tetrachloride using Empirical Theories at Different Temperatures
Department of Physics, S.D. Degree College Muzaffarnagar 251001 (INDIA)
Department of Physics, Bareilly College Bareilly 243005 (INDIA)
Department of Chemistry, Bareilly College Bareilly 243005 (INDIA)
Abstract :

Experimental ultrasonic velocities of binary liquid mixture of acetone and carbon tetra chloride at temperatures 286.15 K, 289.15 K and 293.15 have been evaluatedat 2 MHz as a function of molar concentrations. The experimental values were compared with various theories for analysis of ultrasonic velocity in binary liquid mixtures such as Nomoto theory (NOM), ideal mixing relation (IMR) of Van Dael andVangeel, Impedance Relation (IDR), Rao’s Specific Velocity Method (Rao) and Junjie’s relations (JR). Chi-square test and average percentage error were applied to investigate the relative applicability of these theories to the present systems. The variation of thermo acoustical parameters of the systems with the mole fraction has been discussed in term of molecular interactions.

Keyword : Ultrasonic velocity, Chi-square test, Average percentage error
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