
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 28
Issue: 2
Article No. 1
Study of Dielectric Relaxation Time and Thermodynamic Parameters in Some Polar Molecules using Microwave Absorption Data

Physic Department, Bareilly College, Bareilly, 243005 (India)

Abstract :

Present communication reports the experimental values of the dielectric relaxation time  of five polar molecules of 2, 5- Dichloronitrobenzene, 3, 5- Dichloronitrobenzene, 2, 5-Dibromonitrobenzene, 4-Bromonitrobenzene and 2, 4 Dinitrochlorobenzene in dilute solution of benzene at wavelength 3.13 cm in the microwave region. The measurements have been made at 290, 300 and 310 0K, in order to calculate the free energy of activation for dipole orientation process (F). The experimental values of  have been correlated with the calculated value of  obtained using different theories of dielectric relaxation time . It is concluded from this comparative study that the Murty equation is a better representation of the dielectric relaxation phenomenon. Thermo dynamical parameters like molar free energy ofactivation (F), molar enthalpy of activation (H) and molar entropy of activation (S) have been evaluated by considering the relaxation asthe rate process. From the values of F for the various compounds investigated conclusion has been made that energy of activation increases with the size of molecule.

Keyword : Dielectric relaxation time, molar free energy of activation, molar enthalpy of activation and molar entropy of activation
Paper Download Count : 988
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Article No. 2
Geology And Geochemistry of Pohara- Gadpendhri Sillimanite and Pyrophyllite Deposit With Special Reference to the Concentration on Major Indusrtial Minerals

Department of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur (India)

Abstract :

The area under investigation is exclusively metamorphic terrain. Main rock types exposed in the area are schist, phyllite, Quartzite’s, Sillimanite, Pyrophyllite, Corundum. Theserock types belong to Sakoli Group. The ore body trends NNE - SSW and has steep dip varying from 600 to 700 towards West. Corundum is sporadically associated with sillimanite and the both are encased with Pyrophyllite in the form of isolated lensoid bodies.

Petrological studies of the different litho units reveal that area under investigation comprising mainly, Corundum, Sillimanite schist, Pyrophyllite schist, Quartzite-tourmaline schist.Major oxide chemistry of the host rocks highlighted that concentration of alumina increases with decreasing behavior of silica which ranges from approximately 20% - 80%. The area whereas silica 2% - 80%. Nearly all the litho-units in the area shows high concentration of alumina and silica which ranges from 16.20% -92.16 % and silica ranges from 1.93% to 76.0%. These are showing negative trend in sillimanite schist. The bivarient plot of SiO2 versus K2O for Pyrophyllite schist indicates negative correlation which
concludes that alteration effect. Approximate content in the Sillimanite, Pyrophyllite schist and corundum is 0.6%, 0.35% and 0.24% respectively. The area is highly metamorphosed and slightly tectonically disturbed.

Keyword : Sakoli Group, Pyrophyllite, Corundum, Metamorphic, Lensoid, Sillimanite Schist.
Paper Download Count : 1658
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Article No. 3
Textural and Ore Mineralogical Studies on Laterites of the Sukinda Valley of the Singhbhum Craton, Odisha (India)

Department of Geology, RTM, Nagpur university Nagpur (India)

Abstract :

The present paper is an attempt to evaluate the chromium ore assemblages with special reference to their behavior of distribution through the lateritic cover. The mafic and ultramafic rock in this area are highly weathered and converted into lateritic soil cover up to the depth of more than 20 mt and exposed in most of the Sukinda area. Laterite is broadly classified based on nature and basement, color of soil, abundance and nature of laterite, abundance of transported boulders in the weathered profile and nature of vegetation. Low level laterite, Disintegrated laterite, Cavernous laterite, Pisolitic and concretionary laterite are mostly found in the study area. The laterite is brown to brickred, orange and spongy, metallic lusture sometimes show pisolitic and concretionary texturelaterite and illustrates probably reconstituent forms of rthymic and colloform bandings.Hematite is the dominant mineral followed by goethite with subordinate amount of limonite, quartz, traces of magnetite.Cavities are more common of various sizes in the Sukinda laterite.The main litho-units of Sukinda ultramafic complex are Serpentinised peridotite, orthopyroxenite, laterite (limonitic at places) and silicified rocks. The maximum area of the Sukinda region is covered by thick laterite, soil and weathered profile of saprolite and limonitic rocks. The lateriteis exposed in most of the Sukinda area. Laterite is broadly classified based on nature and basement, color of soil, abundance and nature of laterite, abundance of transported boulders in the weathered profile and nature of vegetation.


Keyword : Sukinda Ultramafic, rethymic coloform banding, Hematite, saprolite, limonitic rocks
Paper Download Count : 1588
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Article No. 4
Geology, Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry of Amgaon Granite at Khursipar, Manegaon, Dahegaon Villages in Gondia District, Maharashtra, India

1-2Department of Geology, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj, Nagpur University, Nagpur (M.S) (India)
  3Bhartiya Mahavidyalay, Rajapeth, Amravati (M.S) (India)

Abstract :

The rocks of the area belong to the early Precambrian, Amgaon Group and overlying Dongargarh Supergroup. They consist of granite gneisses and granite and area covering soil mantle. Physiographically the area is gently undulating developed on granitic gneiss and granite.Titanomagnetite deposit in the Khursipar-Dahegaon- Manegaonvillage is mainly associated with alternate bands of granite,epidorite,granitic gneiss and gabbroic rock. Massive magnetite, ore body flanked by foliated gabbro,disseminated, lensoid massive magnetite is exposed in small patch, small isolated magnetite lenses, disseminated ore in gabbroic rocks, massive or band passes into band ores. The principal iron mineral is hematite while ilmenite is main titanium bearing mineral goethite, magnetite are noticed in minor amounts. Microscopic studies show that orthorhombic pyroxenes are having straight extinction and stronger Pleochroism along with prismatic cleavages in perfect two directions at 90.

Hornblende is the principal mineral of amphibolites. Its cleavage angle at 56 and 124. It is opaque green, greenish brown or brown in colour.Ilmenite is a weekly magnetic Titanium-iron oxide mineral which is iron- blackor steel-grey. It is a crystalline iron titanium oxide (FeTi3). It crystallizes in a trigonal system.Magnetite is black or brownish-black in colour. Magnetite reacts with oxygen to produce hematite.The granite around Khursipar and Manegaon areas are oversaturated, the average content of SiO2 is 72.05 which are ranges from 70.45 to 73.45%. The bivariant plot of SiO2 verses mostof the major oxides show negative correlation whereas only MgO show slightly positive trend. The composition of all pure quartz is close to the 100 percent SiO2. The Mineral chemistry of Quartz of studied granite shows SiO2 content is 100%. The potash feldspar of granites is either Orthoclase or Microcline, or both. Orthoclase, Sanidine, Microcline and Anorthoclase.Nephelene of this granite show very high content of SiO2. Which is ranges from 56.82 to 59.6 along with moderate content of Al2O3(27.8 to 30.1) Na2O of this nephelene show (4.9 to 5.9) wt %). Whereas fair amount of K2O (4.2 to 5.3 wt %). Manegaon, Khursipar granite contains of accessory amount of orthopyroxene (hypersthenes). SiO2content of hypersthenes show very wide range (32.4 to 59.6 wt %). The average content of Fe2O3 is 19.4 whereas MgO ranges from 9.2 to 18.7%, along with it show few content of CaO (3.8) also. Hypersthenes of this granite show 1.5 % of Na2O with very little content of MnO and K2O. Magnetite of this study contains cent % composition of Fe2O3(98.7%) which is range from 98.1 to 99 %. The remaining elements are Al2O3 andK2O. The diagnostic characteristics of this magnetite is it content of V2O5 (0.4 to 0.9 wt %). In Ilmenite average
TiO2 concentration is 43.12 which is having wide range i.e. 35.0 to 48.88 similarly it is having Fe2O3 which is ranges from 49.9 to 51.8 and average content is 50.75 wt %. As per the standard it shows MgO and MnO also ranges 0.45 to 0.29 respectively.

Keyword : Dongargarh Supergroup, Titanomagnetite, Trigonal System, Pleochroism.
Paper Download Count : 1719
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