
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 29
Issue: 1
Article No. 1
A Model for Optimal Reserve Inventory Between two Machines with Reference to Truncation Point of the Repair Time

*Arignar Anna Government Arts College, Viluppuram, Tamil Nadu, India
**Salem Sowdeswari College, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

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Abstract :

In Inventory control theory, many suitable models for real life systems are constructed with the objective of determining the optimal inventory level. In a system where the machines are in series for producing the finished products. The reserve of semi-finished products between two machines becomes unavoidable to minimize the idle time of machines in series. In this model the repair time of machines is assumed to be a random variable and it follows exponential distribution which satisfies the so called Setting the Clock Back to Zero (SCBZ) property. Also, the truncation point of the repair time distribution is itself a random variable and it follows mixed exponential distribution. Under this assumption an optimal reserve inventory is obtained.

Keyword : Reserve Inventory, SCBZ property, Repair time, Truncation point and Optimal reserve
Paper Download Count : 934
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Article No. 2
Status of Notopteruschitala (Hamilton) Inhalali Reservoir of Madhya Radesh, India

*Scholar Department of Zoology Barkatullah University Bhopal, M.P., India
**Lecturer, Department of Zoology Barkatullah University Bhopal, M.P., India

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Abstract :

This paper deal with the study of status of Notopterus Chital in Halali reservoir of Madhya Pradesh. Halali Reservoir is one of the most important reservoirs which is about 40 km away from the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal. It is built on Halali river which is a tributary of Betwa river. River Betwa or Vetravati, river in northern India, rising in the Vindhya Range just north of Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh. The primary objective of this study is to provide a base line assessment of the present state of the Halali reservoir. The major objective of the study is to study the water quality parameters of Halali reservoir well as to document the zooplankton diversity of the reservoir. Another important objective of the study is to explore the macroinvertebrate community of the reservoir. The fourth objective of the research is to explore the fish diversity of the reservoir with special emphasis to Notopterus chitala with its biometric study

Keyword : Chitala fish, Length – weight, water analysis
Paper Download Count : 810
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