
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 29
Issue: 6
Article No. 1
Slip Effect on MHD Peristaltic flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid through compliant walls
Associate Professor, Dept of Mathematics, Osmania College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India 518002
2Assistant Professor, Dept of Mathematics, Osmania College, Kurnool, , Andhra Pradesh, India 518002
Abstract :

In this paper, we examine the combined effects on peristaltic movement of an electrically conducting Walters-B fluid through a compliant walled channel. Using small wave number move towards, the nonlinear model differential equations are obtained and tackled analytically by regular perturbation method. Expressions for the stream function, velocity, temperature, skin-friction coefficient and heat transfer coefficient are constructed. Pertinent results are presented graphically and discussed quantitatively. It is found that the velocity distribution depresses while the fluid temperature rises with an increase in Hartmann number. The trapping phenomenon isobserved and the size of trapped bolus increases with an increase in Hartmann number.

Keyword : Thermal radiation , MHD, Peristalsis, Walter-B fluid, compliant walls, Slip conditions, Heat generation
Paper Download Count : 787
View Count : 1215
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Article No. 2
Transient hydromagnetic radiative convection flow of a micropolar fluid past a moving semi- infinite vertical porous plate
Department of mathematics, V. S. S. D. College, Kanpur-208002 (INDIA)
Department of mathematics, H. B. T. University, Kanpur-208002 (INDIA)
Department of mathematics, C. L. Jain (P.G.) College, Firozabad-283203 (INDIA)
Abstract :

Unsteady two-dimensional laminar radiative convection flow of an incompressible, electrically conducting micropolar fluid past a moving semi-infinite vertical porous plate in the presence of magnetic field is studied. The effects of material parameters on the velocity and temperature fields are investigated. The Rosseland approximation is used to describe the radiative heat flux in the energy equation. The micropolar fluid is considered to be gray, absorbing-emitting but non-scattering optically thick medium. Numerical results of velocity field and temperature distribution are discussed with the help of figures, while skin-friction and rate of heat transfer are discussed by the use of tables. It is observed that when radiation parameter increases, the velocity increases and temperature decreases, whereas an increase in Grashof number or magnetic parameter decreases the velocity.

Keyword : convection flow, incompressible, magnetic field, MSC(2010) : 76E06, 76Dxx, 76E25
Paper Download Count : 683
View Count : 1149
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Article No. 3
Hall effects on peristaltic pumping of a Newtonian fluid in a channel with long wavelength approximation
Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool-518002, Andhra Pradesh, India
Professor, Department of CSE, Sri Venkatesa Perumal College of Engineering & Technology, Puttur-517583, Andhra Pradesh, India
Abstract :

In this paper, the effect of hall on the peristaltic pumping of a Newtonian fluid in a two dimensional channel under the assumption of long wavelength is investigated. A closed form solutions are obtained for axial velocity and pressure gradient. The effects of various emerging parameters on the pressure gradient, timeaveraged volume flow rate and frictional force are discussed with the aid of graphs

Keyword : Hall, Newtonian fluid, Hartmann number , long wavelength, Peristaltic pumping
Paper Download Count : 644
View Count : 1143
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