
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 29
Issue: 8
Article No. 1
Hazardous Radiations from Mobile Phones and Cell Towers – A Review
Assistant Professor Deptt. Of Chemistry D.N. College, Meerut UP (India)
Assistant Professor Deptt. Of Physics Vardhamaan College, Bijnor (India)
B. tech. Electrical Engineering IIT Ropar (India)
Assistant Professor Deptt. Of Physics Meerut College, Meerut (India)
Abstract :

Mobile technology has taken the telecommunication sector by storm. The technology itself has evolved and grown at an exponential pace. However, the health risks associated with it have also shown an upward trend. This paper starts with a basic introduction to the EMF radiation, how they are emitted through the cell towers and mobile phones. It then talks about the causes & sources of these health hazards, certain metrics like the safety distance & the statutory norms prevalent in different countries as contrast to India. The paper also reviews some of the already published results from different experiments and studies conducted in this domain across the world. Lastly, the paper draws some inference and conclude with basic precautions to reduce the adverse effects and recommendations to help reduce the levels of radiation in the environment.

Keyword : Mobile Technology, Health Hazards, Electromagnetic Radiation, Ionizing Radiation, Safe Power Density, EMF Radiation Norms, Non- Ionizing Radiation
Paper Download Count : 974
View Count : 1457
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Article No. 2
Solving Transportation Problem By Using Supply Demand Minima Method
Department of Mathematics, Govt. M.V.M. Bhopal, India
Department of Mathematics, Govt. M.V.M. Bhopal, India
Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Govt. M.V.M. Bhopal, India
Abstract :

In this paper, we are trying to find the optimum solution of a transportation problem and is to minimize the cost. The most attractive feature of this method is that it requires very simple arithmetical and logical calculation, which compared to the existing method an optimal solution and illustrated with numerical example.

Keyword : Transportation, Minimization cost, Sources, Destination, SDM- Method,, Optimal solution., Mathematics Classification : transportation problem 90C08.
Paper Download Count : 911
View Count : 1161
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Article No. 3
Effect of Internal Heat Generation on the Onset of Brinkman-Benard Thermomagnetic Convection in a Saturated Porous Layer
Department of Mathematics, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumakuru -572 105 (India)
Department of Mathematics, Government Pre-University College for Boys, Tumakuru-572 102 (India)
Abstract :

A model for onset of ferroconvection via internal heat generation in a ferrofluid saturated porous layer is explored. The Brinkman–Lapwood extended Darcy equation with fluid viscosity different from effective viscosity is used to describe the flow in the porous medium. The lower boundary of the porous layer is assumed to be rigid- paramagnetic and insulated to temperature perturbations, while at upper stress-free boundary a general convective-radiative exchange condition on perturbed temperature is imposed. The resulting eigenvalue problem is solved numerically using the Galerkin method. It is found that increasing in the dimensionless heat source strength Ns , magnetic number M1 , Darcy number Da and the non-linearity of magnetization parameterM3 is to hasten, while increase in the ratio of viscosities, Biot number Bi and magnetic susceptibility  is to delay the onset of ferroconvection. Further, increase in Bi , Da1 and Ns and decrease in , M1 ,and M3 is to diminish the dimension of convection cells.

Keyword : ferroconvection, porous layer, Galerkin method, internal heat generation,, viscosity ratio, 58D30, 76E06, 76R10
Paper Download Count : 707
View Count : 1170
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