
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 20
Issue: 3
Article No. 1
On modified Lemke algorithm for solving quadratic programming problems
Department of Maths/Stats and Computer Science. University of Calabar (NIGERAI)
Department of Maths/Stats University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt (NIGERIA)
Udo, M. E.
Department of Maths/Stats and Computer Science University of Calabar, Calabar (NIGERIA)
Abstract :

It is very clear from many literature that the traditional methods for solving any quadratic programming problem including that of Lemke is basically tableau transformation were a new tableau is generated from the immediate preceding one by series of elementary tableau transformation where the entering variable is the minimum value chosen from the minimum ratio test criterion. This we noticed tend to worsen the problem of round off error especially in this modern age were information are easily assessed through computer. 

In this paper we modify Lemke algorithm by introducing the matrix algebra approach instead of the usual tableau transformation to control the accuracy of the inverse of the Hessian matrix. This we observe actually check the problem of the round off error.

Keyword : Modified Lemke , Algorithm, Quadratic
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
View Count : 720
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Article No. 2
On Application of random number generator to the production of recharge pin code
Akpan, Stephen S
Department of Maths/Statics/Computer Science, University of Calabar, Calabar (NIGERIA)
Williams, Edem E.,
Department of Maths/Statics/Computer Science, University of Calabar, Calabar (NIGERIA)
Ugbe, Thomas A
Department of Maths/Statics/Computer Science, University of Calabar, Calabar (NIGERIA)
Ukem Ey O O
Physics Department University of Clabar, Calabar (NIGERIA)
Okoro, Rufus C.
Computer Centre, University of Calabar , Calabar (NIGERIA)
Abstract :

The Pin Code printed on the GSM recharge card is a mean of recharging or updating users account. This code can be of variable length made up of digits. There are many methods of arrangement of these numbers depending on the network employed; each GSM operator has a unique relationship established among successive pin codes in relation to their serial number. In this paper it is established that the Pseudo Random number generator can be used to generate a GSM Pin Code such as the fourteen digit GLO Pin Code without repetition, beginning with the smallest two digit 10 and incremented by 1 after each group of numbers till the highest digit 99 is obtained, provided an initial control variable is established for the network.

Keyword : Random Numbers, Pin Code, Generator, Pseudo, Repetition, Prediction.
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
View Count : 1704
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Article No. 3
On two component mixture of bimodal distributions
Department of Statics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam - 530003 (INDIA)
Department of Statics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam - 530003 (INDIA)
Department of Statics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam - 530003 (INDIA)
Department of Information Technology, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam - 530045 (INDIA)
Abstract :

In this paper, we introduce a two component mixture of bimodal distribution given by K.S. Rao et al. (1988). The various distributional properties of this distribution are derived. The extreme order Statistics of this distributions are also obtained, this distribution much useful the approximating the random phenomena involved in several datasets arising at places like biological experiments, Chemical experiments, inventory control, reliability and lab testing etc. where the population under studies is heterogeneous .Some of the inferential aspects of this distributions is also study.

Keyword : mixture of distributions, distribution function, bimodality, order statistics
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
View Count : 661
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Article No. 4
Unsteady free convection flow in porous medium past a horizontal porous plate in presence of heat source, periodic free stream velocity and temperature
Department of Mathematics, V.S.S.D., College, Kanpur - 208002 (INDIA)
Department of Mathematics, C.I. Jain (P.G.) College, Firozabad - 283203 (INDIA)
Department of Mathematics, V.S.S.D., College, Kanpur - 208002 (INDIA)
Department of Mathematics, V.S.S.D., College, Kanpur - 208002 (INDIA)
Abstract :

In this paper free convection flow along a horizontal porous plate is studied in the presence of heat source and taking into account the periodic free stream velocity and temperature. Following perturbation technique, solutions for liquid velocity and temperature fields are obtained. Expressions for skin-friction and heat transfer are also derived. The results obtained are discussed for different values of the parameters entered into the equations governing the flow. It is observed that the velocity decreases with increase in permeability parameter while the temperature decreases with increase in Prandtl number or absorption type heat source.

Keyword : Unsteady, porous medium past , horizontal porous plate
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
View Count : 661
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Article No. 5
An Algorithmic Graphical approach for Ground level logistics management of Jatropha seed distribution
S.P. Srinivasan (
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajalakshi Engineering College, Chennai ( T.N.) INDIA
P. Malliga (
Department of Industrial Engineering, Anna University, Chennai (INDIA)
*K. Thiagarajan (
Department of Engineering College, Chennai (T.N.) INDIA)
Abstract :

Oil from Jatropha and pongamia seeds gives more yields in the production of biodiesel. This bio energy replaces petro-diesel and deserves specific attention. However the collection, distribution of oilseeds is highly complicated task.The existing system of supply chain models have used the following different algorithms namely, Markov chain process, Integer Programming, Benders decomposition etc., The above mentioned algorithms are giving positive values for using respective systems. The proposed model recommends the optimal distribution centers of Jatropha seed through optimized unilateral graphical approach with possible and necessary constraints. (Whichever applicable, and wherever needed). The process consists of four different levels of module. The paper focused on the initial level of process. To optimize the appropriate solution of distribution method in a graphical approach algorithmically. The resultant solution obtained may go ahead to the next level of the module in the supply chain with network.

Keyword : Biodiesel, Unilateral graph, bilateral graph, supply chain, Jatropha seed, JPS -Algorith
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
View Count : 686
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Article No. 6
mK2,3 is vertex prime
Selvam Avadayappan (
Department of Mathematics, V.H.N.S.N., College, Virudhunagar - 626 001 (INDIA)
R. Sinthu (
Department of Mathematics, V.H.N.S.N., College, Virudhunagar - 626 001 (INDIA)
Abstract :

A graph G(V, E) is said to have a vertex prime labeling if its edges can be labeled with distinct integers from {1,2,3,..., |E|} such that for each vertex of degree at least 2, the greatest common divisor of the labels on its incident edges is 1. A graph that admits a vertex prime labeling is called a vertex prime graph. In this paper, we prove that mK2,3 is a vertex prime graph, where m is any positive integer.


Keyword : labeling of graphs, vertex prime, labeling of graphs
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
View Count : 686
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Article No. 7
A Real-Time IKBS for Students Results Computation
Moses E. Ekpenyong (
Department of Mathematics, Statics and Computer Science, University, of Uyo, PMB - 1017 - 520001, Akwa Ibom State (NIGERIA)
Abstract :

Real-time processing of students' results has always been the desire of every University academic system. This paper reports on a recent breakthrough in this direction. It develops an Intelligent Knowledge Based System (IKBS) that makes all computational, monitoring and tracking details of students' results processing a snap and also transparent to the users. The IKBS is programmed with Microsoft Excel; an excellent functional processing software, and is currently implemented in the University of Uyo, Nigeria for the processing of students results. The paper could also serve as the IKBS reference manual.

Keyword : Cell Referencing, Functional Programming, Intelligent Systems, Knowledge Engineering, RDE
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
View Count : 839
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Article No. 8
A Model of Fluid Filtration and Reabsorption in a Capillary - Tissue Exchange System
Rashi Bhardwaj
Department of Mathematics, D.A.V., Postgraduate College, Dehradoon, Formerly with HBTi, Kanpur & University, Bunei Darassalam
P. N. Tandon (F.N.A.Sc.)
Department of Mathematics, D.A.V., Postgraduate College, Dehradoon, Formerly with HBTi, Kanpur & University, Bunei Darassalam
Abstract :

A simple model of capillary-tissue fluid exchange system is developed with particular emphasis on the permeability properties of the blood vessel based on Starling's law. Inertia effects have been neglected in comparison to viscous effects because of low Reynolds number blood flow in capillary. Capillary blood vessel is approximated by circular cylindrical tube with permeable wall. Introducing three layered model for blood with central core region, flow region with Casson fluid surrounded by a peripheral layer of viscous fluid so as to represent a cell free region near the wall and a thickly concentrated plug region due to the cell migration towards the central line. If the net flow of suspending medium filtered is zero then the total amount of plasma entering from capillary into the tissue and re-absorbing back into the capillary are equal. If it is positive, the fluid in excess into the tissue leaks into the lymphatic vessel to join back with main arterial blood flow and removal of separated waste products through veins and spleen. Thus, Lymphatic flow plays an important role in protecting the tissue from edema and dehydration.

Keyword : Fluid Filtration , Reabsorption, Tissue Exchange System
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
View Count : 695
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Article No. 9
An EOQ Model with Ramp type Demand Rate, Weibull Deterioration Rate and Constant Production without Shortage
Institute of Mathematics & Application, Andharua, Bhubaneswar - 751003, Orissa (INDIA)
Institute of Mathematics & Application, Andharua, Bhubaneswar - 751003, Orissa (INDIA)
Department of Mathematics, Gandhi Institute for Technology, Bhubaneswar -Orissa (INDIA)
Abstract :

In this paper present inventory constant production system for Weibull deteriorating items has been developed with demand rate as a ramp type function of time. The finite production rate is proportional to the demand rate and deterioration rate. The constant production cost of inversely proportional to the demand rate. The model without shortage case in inventory solved here. Sensitivity of the decision variables to changes in the parameter values is examine and affect of these changes on the optimal policy are discussed and numerical examples presented to illustrate the model developed.

Keyword : Ramp type demand, Weibull deterioration, unit production cost, without shortage, Demand.
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
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Article No. 10
Optimal reserve of semifinished product in between two machines in series
Department of Mathematics, Nehru Memorial College, Trichy (INDIA)
Department of Mathematics, Jamal Mohammed College, Trichy (INDIA)
Department of Statistics, (Retd. ) Annamalai University, Chindamabarm (INDIA)
Abstract :

When two machines M1 and M2 are in series the output of M1 which is the semi finished product is the input for M2. If M1 goes to the down state the supply or input to M2 is stopped and M2 goes to the down state. The idle time cost of M2 is high and prohibitive. Hence a reserve of semi finished product in between M1 and M2 is suggested. In this paper the optimal reserve size is determined under the assumption the interarrival times between breakdowns of M1 is a random variable which undergoes a parametric change after a truncation point which is also a random variable. Numerical illustration is also provided.

Keyword : System in Series, Optimal Reserve, Change of parameter.
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
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