The demand for water has increased manifold due to population explosion and consequent increase in irrigation and industrial development. As the surface water resources are limited and mainly depend on monsoon, the increased water demand is being sustained by ground water source through many new tube wells tapping deeper aquifers. Vanur block is underlain by Coastal Alluvium, Cuddalore Sandstone, Vanur Sandstone, Limestone and Charnockite. The Vanur Sandstone is one of the main aquifers in the area and is the source for irrigation as well as for drinking water supply to Tindivanam town. The increased extraction of ground water has resulted in a steep decline of ground water levels.
An attempt has been made in this paper to study the long term behavior of ground water levels in this aquifer using the historical water level data collected from the observation wells being monitored by Auroville water service (Harvest) and Central Ground Water Board. The analysis of water level data indicates a long-term decline in the major part of the area. The result of the study indicates that urgent steps including strict regulatory meseaures on ground water extraction and augmentation of ground water resources through suitable artificial recharge structures may have to be initiated in the area to ensure sustainability of ground water extraction structures and to prevent possible saline water ingress.
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V. Arulprakasam; R. Sivakumar,; J. Lawrence; K. Nambi, "Declining ground water levels in vanur formation of villupuram District, Tamil Nadu (India)", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page Number water levels , 2018Copy the following to cite this URL:
V. Arulprakasam; R. Sivakumar,; J. Lawrence; K. Nambi, "Declining ground water levels in vanur formation of villupuram District, Tamil Nadu (India)", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page Number water levels , 2018Available from: