Biological evaluation of paradoxical nature of M. spicata

Author & Affiliation:
Department of Chemistry, L.R.P.G. Colleg, Sahibbad, Ghaziabad, 201 005 (INDIA)
M. spicata,, T. confusum, Zinc, Copper,, Iron
Issue Date:
August 2008

India is veritable emporium of medicinal plants. A large number of different plant species contain natural pesticidal and medicinal value. The objective of this study was to determine the paradoxical nature of M. spicata. The studies have been undertaken on the life cycle, growth and mortality of T. confusum in rice grain. The survival rate of beetle is significantly reduced in the grain with increasing day and dose in extract of leaves of M. spicata. These plant extract was analyzed for certain trace metal viz. copper, zinc, manganese and iron. Concentrations of these metals in plant extract were iron (92 mg/g), copper (125 mg/g), zinc (122 mg/g) and manganese (31 mg/g).

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J. Jain, "Biological evaluation of paradoxical nature of M. spicata", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page Number 269-272, 2018

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J. Jain, "Biological evaluation of paradoxical nature of M. spicata", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page Number 269-272, 2018

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