1Regional Institute of Education, Bhubanessware India
2College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Bhubaneswar India
Heat and mass transfer in the magnetohydrodynamic flow of a visco-elastic fluid over an oscillating porous plate in a rotating frame with dissipation has been studied. After solving the constitutive equations of motion, energy and concentration by the use of complex functions, results have been discussed with the help of graphs and tables. It is observed that the velocity of flow increases with the non-Newtonian parameter (Rc) whereas the transverse component of the velocity of flow decreases with Rc. Magnetic parameter decelerates the flow.
Copy the following to cite this article:
M. GOSWAMI1, M. JENA2 and S. BISWAL3 , "Momentum and heat transfer in the MHD unsteady flow of a visco-elastic liquid over an oscillating porous plate in a rotating frame with varied species concentration and dissipation ", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page Number 255-266, 2016Copy the following to cite this URL:
M. GOSWAMI1, M. JENA2 and S. BISWAL3 , "Momentum and heat transfer in the MHD unsteady flow of a visco-elastic liquid over an oscillating porous plate in a rotating frame with varied species concentration and dissipation ", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page Number 255-266, 2016Available from: http://ultraphysicalsciences.org/paper/611/