Biophysics Unit,Department of Physics ,Nizam college (Autonomous) Osmania Universiity Hyderabad India
This paper is concerned with the identification of inorganic constituent of human nail and crystallanity of human nail mineral and protein. The presence of inorganic material in human finger nail, whether it is of male or female, is scanty. The crystallanity, size distribution and preferential orientation of crystallite are ruled out.
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P. VENKAT RAO, ADEEL AHMAD and B.S. BELLUBBI , "X-ray Diffractrometric Studies on Human Nail ", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page Number 293-298, 2016Copy the following to cite this URL:
P. VENKAT RAO, ADEEL AHMAD and B.S. BELLUBBI , "X-ray Diffractrometric Studies on Human Nail ", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page Number 293-298, 2016Available from: