*(Ex) Department of Physics,G.S. P.G College Samodhpur, Jaunpur UP India
**Krishna Institute of Engg & Technology Ghaziabad U.P India
We presented that all the properties of the Bosonic cases are applicable to the Fermionic path integral. One may extend the derivation to multiple Fermi oscillators and to field theory. Renormalisation theory reads in the same way as for Bosonic path integral. Fermionic path integrals satisfy cutting relations. Insertion of x(t) and (t) in the path integral again gives the corresponding operator in the matrix element, and multiple insertions are time ordered.
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*G.S. Dubey and **K.P. Mishra , "On Bosonic And Fermionic Fields ", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page Number 299-304, 2016Copy the following to cite this URL:
*G.S. Dubey and **K.P. Mishra , "On Bosonic And Fermionic Fields ", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page Number 299-304, 2016Available from: http://ultraphysicalsciences.org/paper/616/