
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 36
Issue: 2
Article No. 1
Overtaking Effects on Spherical Shock Wave Propagation in Metallic Mediums
Department of Physics, Bareilly College, Bareilly (India)-243006
Department of Physics, Bareilly College, Bareilly (India)-243006
Abstract :

The propagation of spherical shock waves through metallic mediums have been considered in this paper. The effect of overtaking disturbances in the propagation of spherical shock waves through solids, especially metals such as Aluminium and Copper, has been analysed by employing Chisnell-Chester-Whitham method. Under the influence of spherical shock waves flow variables have been obtained analytically as well as estimated numerically. Expressions for the pressure and the particle velocity behind the shock wave have also been obtained. It is found that shock strength in both the metals decreases as shock propagates through them. Shock velocity and modified shock velocity depict a decreasing pattern with increasing propagation distance. These observations suggest many industrial and medical applications of shock waves.

Keyword : Shock waves, shock strength, overtaking disturbances
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