Deen Bandhu Chotu Ram University of Science & Technology, Muthal, Sonepat Haryana (INDIA)
Wireless sensor network consists of randomly distributed autonomous battery powered sensor nodes, which sense and collectively pass their data to a base station. Wireless sensor network enables the monitoring of environment for various areas of applications. It is a web of sensor nodes and all these nodes send their collected data to a common base station directly or indirectly (through intermediate nodes). But these nodes have limited battery level. The most difficult resource constraint to meet in WSN is power consumption. So, to utilize that power level properly, some energy efficiency protocols were given. In this paper, we deal with that protocols which have more effect on overall energy efficiency of our network. In LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), a clustering based approach is used. In this, cluster head is selected randomly in the homogeneous environment. LEACH can achieve as much as a factor of 8 reductions in energy dissipation compared with conventional routing protocols2. In this paper, we deal with the heterogeneity and super heterogeneity in wireless sensor network which will increase the network lifetime.