
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 26
Issue: 3
Article No. 1
New Merged Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Abstract :

In this paper authors introduce a new type of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps model called the merged Fuzzy Cognitive Maps model.This new concept is based on the merged graphs and merged matrices

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DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 831
View Count : 953
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Article No. 2
On Properties of Hyperdistribution of Real Hypersurfaces of Almost Hyperbolic Hermitian Manifold
Abstract :

The purpose of the present paper is to study properties of Pseudo-conformal mapping hyperdistribution of real hypersurfaces of almost hyperbolic Hermitian manifold.

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DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 821
View Count : 993
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Article No. 3
Physico-chemical and petrographic characters of coal of Langrin coal field occurring in Borsora area, Meghalaya.(India)
Abstract :

The Borsora area lying just on the Indo-Bangladesh border where sandstones are found with a number of thin coal seams within the Shella Formation of the Jaintia Group. The coal seams are associated with Lakadong (Sylhet) Sandstone Member of the Shella Formation. The coals are generally soft and friable with brown to black colour and
at places bottom part of the seams show increasing order of lustre and hardness. They possess mostly conchoidal to uneven fractures. The coal is having low moisture (3.23-5.30wt%) and ash (2.92-10.23wt%), high volatile matter (38.83-42.42wt%), relatively high calorific value (6722- 7926 Kcal/Kg) with comparatively low fixed carbon (43.72-55.02%)
content. Total sulphur is high (2.40-4.61wt%). Calculated carbon and hydrogen content varies from 72.39-81.47wt% and 5.17-5.51wt% respectively. Collinite type of vitrinite (81.5wt%) constitutes the bulk of the macerals present in the coal and vitrinite reflectance (0.68wt%) confirms the rank as HVB stage. High sulphur of the coal is genetically related to the mode of formation of the coal seams in paralic basin. Collinite and framboidal pyrite in the coal indicate a marine environment. High concentration of Ba, V, Cr, Zr and Cu also indicate a marine influenced environment of deposition of the coal. Presence of Mo, V and Co with Mn and Cu indicate a reducing condition of deposition.

The coal can be used to produce a diverse type of by-products, in thermal power projects and in hydrogenation products. It can also be used as fuel for cement, paper mechanished brick industry and domestic purposes.

Keyword :
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 1441
View Count : 1032
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Article No. 4
A Survey on Digital Image Watermarking Techniques and Attacks
Abstract :

Use of digitized media is increasing due to rapid growth of internet and there is a sincere need of copyright protection of digital images. In order to protect ownership or copyright of digital image digital image watermarking techniques have been designed and implemented. The performance of a digital watermarking technique is indicated by the robustness of embedded watermarks against various attacks. Digital image watermarking can be done both in spatial as well as frequency domain. A comparative study of different digital watermarking techniques in spatial and transform domain has been provided in this paper. LSB technique is commonly used in spatial domain based watermarking, and in frequency domain based watermarking techniques, DCT and DWT are commonly used. This paper focuses on the various domains of digital image watermarking techniques and various attacks on watermarked images.

Keyword :
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 1635
View Count : 1024
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Article No. 5
A Model for Optimal Reserve Inventory between Two Machines in Series with Repair time undergoes a parametric Change
Abstract :

In inventory control theory, suitable models for various real life systems are constructed with the objective of determining the optimal inventory level. A new type of inventory model using the so-called Setting the Clock Back to zero(SCBZ) property is analyzed in this paper. There are two Machines M1 and M2 in series and the output of M1 is the input for M2 and hence in order to avoid the machine M2 is being idle when the machine M1 is in breakdown state, a reserve inventory is to be maintained between M1 and M2. The method of obtaining reserve Sˆ , assume the cost of excess inventory, cost of shortage and rate of consumption of M2 is constant is already attempted. In this paper it is
assumed that the repair time of M1 is a random variable and its distribution undergoes a parametric change after the truncation point and which is taken to be a random variable. The optimum reserve inventory is obtained under the assumption that the repair time having the SCBZ property. Numerical illustration is also discussed.

Keyword :
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 857
View Count : 969
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Article No. 6
Study of Micromechanical Properties of PPy/SWCNT/PVA Composites Using Vicker’s Microhardness Testing
Abstract :

Authors have been investigating the electronic and mechanical properties of PPy/SWCNT/PVA composites keeping the probable use of this material in making supercapacitors in mind. The micromechanical properties of this ternary conducting polymer composite can be inferred from the Vicker’s microhardness testing. This paper reports that the Hv
value is found increasing with addition of SWCNT and PPy/SWCNT in PPy and PVA matrices, respectively. It is also observed that the Hv values increase for all studied materials upto indentation load 160 g, thereafter it becomes almost constant. The maximum Hv is obtained for the ternary composite having 25 wt% PPy/SWCNT in PVA matrix. This observation confirms the earlier reporting of macromechanical properties of the studied material.

Keyword :
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 995
View Count : 1064
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Article No. 7
A Review on Web Mining
Abstract :

Web Mining – i.e. the application of data mining techniques to extract knowledge from Web content, structure, and usage is the collection of technologies to fulfill this potential. Web mining is the application of data mining techniques to extract knowledge from Web data, where at least one of structure (hyperlink) or usage (Web log) data is used in the mining process (with or without other types of Web data). This paper provides a brief overview of the accomplishments of the
field, both in terms of technologies and applications. In this paper, we first introduce the concepts related to web mining. The aim of this paperis to give overview of web data mining categories.

Keyword :
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 884
View Count : 984
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Article No. 8
Hydromagnetic Radiative Convection Flow through Porous Medium Between Two Semi-Infinite Parallel Plates with Periodic Cross Flow Velocity and Periodic Temperature: Analysis With Internal Heat Generation/Absorption
Abstract :

Aim of the proposed paper is to investigate hydromagnetic radiative convection flow of a viscous, conducting, incompressible fluid through a porous medium between two semi-infinite parallel plates with periodic cross-flow velocity and periodic temperature, taking into account the internal heat generation/ absorption.The flow is subjected to optically thin transparent medium and the uniform magnetic field is applied normal to the flow. For a small time dependent perturbation of the fluid velocity and temperature, the nonlinear equations are solved by asymptotic approximation. The resulting velocity and temperature fields are shown graphically for different values of the physical parameters. The skin-friction and the rate of heat transfer in terms of Nusselt number, at the plates are derived, discussed numerically and shown graphically.

Keyword :
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 778
View Count : 948
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Article No. 9
Drought Mitigation by Management of Surface Water Resources of Bundelkhand Region
Abstract :

Bundelkhand is a geographic region of central India. The region is now divided between the states of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, with the larger portion lying in the latter. The region was the site of the ancient Chedi Kingdom. The name of the region derives from the BundelaRajputs, who succeeded the ChandelRajputs as the rulers of the region in the 16th century. The major towns ofBundelkhand are Jhansi, Banda, Chitrakoot, Datia, Tikamgarh, Rath, Lalitpur, Sagar, Damoh, Orai, Panna, Hamirpur, Mahoba, Banda, Narsinghpur and Chhatarpur. Bundelkhand’s most well-known place may be is Khajuraho, which has  numerous 10th-century sculptures devoted to fine-living and eroticism. The mines of Panna have at times been famous for magnificent diamonds; and a very large one dug from the last active mine was kept for a time in the fort of Kalinjar.

In Bundelkhand region Groundwater being resource is often develop without proper understanding of its occurrence in time and space. Because of over exploitation the wells are gradually getting dried up in due course of time. In some of areas of Bundelkhand region, the situation is so serious that there is a scarcity of water even for drinking purpose. In these areas, the groundwater needs to be recharged artificially as the natural recharge is not sufficient.

Looking to the immensity of the water crises in Bundelkhand region, the area has been selected for identification and monitoring ofsurface water resources of the region. The area comprise of hard rock formations like Archaean’s granite and Vindhyan’s sandstones and shales which creates tough situation for recharging of groundwater. Thus no
rock unit in the area is represented by primary characteristics responsible for movement and storage of groundwater. On the other hand, the region is full of surface water bodies as its bird eye view of satellite imagery pertaining to Bundelkhand region depicts.These surface water bodies if properly manage, can recharge the area, fulfil their domestic needs and the region may become self-sufficient to combat drought. Proper identification, recognition, classification, and monitoring of all water bodies of Bundelkhand region is an attempt of this paper. The water body’s database created during the study, also contain their spatial location and available water during post and pre monsoon season.

Keyword :
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 956
View Count : 910
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Article No. 10
LRS Bianchi Type –III Massive String Cosmological Model With Electromagnetic Field
Abstract :

We have investigated LRS Bianchi Type -III massive string cosmological model with electromagnetic field. For the complete determination of the model, we assume a relation between the rest energy density (ρ) and the string tension density (λ) as ρ = λ. Some physical and geometrical features of the model are also discussed.

Keyword :
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 903
View Count : 897
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