
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 23
Issue: 2
Article No. 11
Gas Turbine blade internal cooling by V-shaped rib turbulators
Shailesh Gupta*, Alok Chaube**, and Prakash Verma***

*Research Scholar, RGPV Bhopal, M.P India

** Professor Mechanical Engineering Department, RGPV, Bhopal, MP India

***Professor Mechanical Engineering Department, JEC, Jabalpur MP India

Abstract :

One of the traditional methods used to improve the efficiency of a gas turbine is to increase the inlet temperature; thereby increasing the power output and in turn, the efficiency. The problem associated with increasing the inlet temperature of a gas turbine is the failure of material due to excessive thermal stresses. This brings in the concept of cooling of turbine blades to incorporate the increase in the inlet temperature. Due to the complex flow through gas turbine blades, designers need data that will aid them in the development of efficient cooling designs. They need detailed hot gas path heat transfer and temperature distributions. They also need detailed flow and heat transfer data to understand the flow physics and to improve the current internal cooling designs. The use on an artificial roughness on leading and trailing walls of a gas turbine blade is an effective technique of internal cooling. A great number of experimental and numerical studies have been carried out to investigate the effects of ribs on heat transfer in internal channels. In this paper an attempt has been made to specifically reviewed the heat transfer enhancement by using V-Shaped artificial roughness in Gas turbine blade internal cooling. The published data of heat transfer and friction factor by various investigators have been reviewed and presented. 

Keyword :  Gas turbine, Blade internal cooling, heat transfer, artificial roughness, rib turbulators.
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 12
Hydrogeological Significance of Morphometric Analysis in the Vaniyar Watershed of Ponnaiyar River Basin, Tamil Nadu
S. Venkateswaran1, M. Suresh3, P. Thangaraju2 and M. Vijay Prabhu2

1Associate Professor, Hydrogeological Lab,Departmennt of Geology, Periyar University, Salem-11 India

2Research Scholar, Department of Geology, Periyar University, Salem-11 India

3Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jayalakshmi College of Engineering Technology,Thoppur, Dharmapuri

Abstract :

Remote sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) has proved to be an efficient tool in delineation of drainage pattern and water resources management and its planning. GIS and image processing techniques have been adopted for the identification of morphological features and analyzing their properties of the Vaniyar watershed parts of Dharmapuri and Salem districts in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The morphometric parameters such as linear, aerial and relief aspects of the river basin were determined and computed. The watershed falls on the hard rock crystalline rocks. The groundwater occurring under water table condition and mainly stayed in the weathered mantle and secondary porosity. The Vaniyar is an ephemeral stream flowing in the central part of the watershed. The lithogical controls on the permeability of the hard rock aquifer. The watershed further classified as a 15 micro watershed based on drainage network. The comparisons among the 15 micro watersheds became more effective and are viewed in the light of their respective morphometric parameters. It is 7th order drainage basin and drainage pattern mainly in subdendritic to dendritic type. The morphometric parameters worked out include Drainage density, Drainage texture, Bifurcation ratio, Stream order, Stream length, Stream length ratio, Stream frequency, Basin length, Form factor, Elongation ratio and Circulatory ratio. The morphometric analysis reveals that the comparisons of all the fifteen micro watersheds out of four micro watersheds have the lowest drainage density and high permeability. The present investigation for a smaller watershed is suggested as a more fruitful particularly in heterogeneous hard rock terrain. 

Keyword :  Morphometric analysis; Vaniyar Micro watershed; Remote Sensing; Geographic Information System (GIS).
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
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Article No. 13
Complimentary-Symmetry Class-B Push-Pull Amplifier with Improved Efficiency and Reduced Harmonic Distortion
Beena Pandey, Susmrita Srivastava, Satyendra Nath Tiwari, Jitendra Singh and SachchidaNand Shukla*

Department of Physics and Electronics. Dr. R.M.L Awadh University, Faizabad UP India


Abstract :

Modified circuit of `Complimentary-Symmetry Class-B Push-Pull Amplifier' is proposed. The proposed amplifier circuit, configured by using unit of Darlington transistors, produces improved power amplification efficiency (PAE) and reduced harmonic distortion. Variation of maximum voltage gain as a function of biasing resistances is also observed. Proposed power amplifier may be quite useful various analog communication applications. 

Keyword :  Power Amplifiers, Class-B Amplifiers, Darlington amplifiers
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 14
Plane symmetric perfect fluid distributions with heat flux
Amit Kumar Srivastava

Department of Physics D.A.V. P.G. College Kanpur UP India

Abstract :

We have presented that perfect fluid with heat flux distributions, in plane symmetry admitting a one parameter group of conformal motions are not admitted. Hence, we have investigated exact plane symmetric perfect fluid solutions of Einstein equations assuming one parameter group of conformal motions. Geometrical and physical properties of some particular solutions so obtained, are presented.

Keyword : perfect fluid, heat flux
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 15
Experimental study on inlet fixed guide vanes to improve the operating range of turbochargers
P. Senthil Kumar1*, M. Natesh Kumar2 and S. Prabhakar3

1*Assistant Professor, Department of automobile Engineering, MIT Campus Anna University, Chennai India

2M.E. Department of Automobile Engineering, MIT Campus, Anna Univeersity, Chennai India

3Research Scholar, Department of Automobile Engineering, MIT Campus, Anna Univeersity, Chennai India

Abstract :

This project is to improve the surge margin of the compressor used in Exhaust gas turbochargers, which aims to design a system to have optimized size of fixed guide vane. The main objective of this project is to reduce the Turbo lag by improving the surge margin using Inlet fixed vanes without changing the existing system and structure of the compressor.  After analyzing the need to improve the surge margin, functional analysis of the existing product, theoretical engineering calculation, through literature review, conceptualization, optimization and verification, of a new Inlet fixed guide vane for the said compressor was designed and developed. The project has proposed an Inlet fixed guide vane for the said compressor specification through concept generation, concept optimization and gas stand validation. The parameters affecting the air flow velocity in the suction side was analyzed and optimized for maximum preswirl. The proposed concept has been assembled with standard components and bought out as a physical prototype model and the fluid body was simulated through Ansys CFX simulation and the actual testing results were compared with the simulated results. 

Keyword :  Ansys CFX simulation, Turbocharger, Fixed guide vane.
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 16
A thermo opto acoustic analysis to detect Photochemical reaction of medicine methadilazine

*Department of Physics, University College, Thiruvanathapuram Kerala India

**Department of Physics,  College of Engineering, Thiruvanathapuram Kerala India

Abstract :

A thermo-optoacoustic analysis has been used to detect the photo chemical reactions in medicine methadilazine,used as phenothiazine compound with anti histamine activity. Certain derived optoacoustic parameters of pure medicine and that exposed to solar radiations have been determined as a function of temperature. Plots of these parameters versus temperature have been made. The nature of variation and the relative shift in the curves for the exposed samples compared with the un exposed ones have been used to study photo chemical reactions. The results have been explained in the light of existing theories and confirmed using UV absorption spectra of the samples.

Keyword :  Thermo-optoacoustic analysis,non destructive method,photochemical reaction,methadilazine.
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
View Count : 768
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Article No. 17
Use of Sarguia Oil based Biodiesel in DI Engines% A Critical review
R. Rajesh1*, S. Prabhakar2 , K. Annamalai3 and K. Selvakumar4

1*Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kings Engg College, Chennai India

2Research Scholar, Department of Automobile Enginnering MIT Campus. Anna University, Chennai India

3Assistant Professor, Department of Automobile Enginnering MIT Campus. Anna University, Chennai India

4Visiting Faculty, Department of Automobile Enginnering MIT Campus. Anna University, Chennai India

Abstract :

In the present experimental research work, methyl ester of Sarguia oil is derived through transesterification of rice-bran oil using methanol in the presence of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) catalyst. Experimental investigations have been carried out to examine the combustion characteristics in a direct injection diesel engine running with diesel, biodiesel (Sarguia methyl ester), and its blends with diesel. Engine tests were performed at different engine loads ranging from no load to rated (100 per cent) load at constant engine speed (1500 rpm). A careful analysis of the cylinder pressure rise, heat release, and other combustion parameters such as the cylinder peak combustion pressure, rate of pressure rise, crank angle at which peak pressure occurs, and rate of pressure rise, were carried out. higher engine loads; however, combustion duration was higher for biodiesel blends. 

Keyword :  sarguia oil, direct injection, methyl ester, performance
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 18
Phytochemical constituents and antimicrobial activity of some essential oils against bacterial strains in vitro
Neerja Gupta and Goldy Saxena*

Department of Chemistry, A.N.D.N.N.M College, Kanpur India

Abstract :

The antimicrobial activity of plant extracts and phytochemicals was evaluated with antibiotic susceptible and resistant microorganisms. In addition, the possible synergistic effects when associated with antibiotics were studied. Extracts from the following plants were utilized. The selected ten essential oils were screened against gram negative bacteria [Escheria coli (ATCC 25922) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa(ATCC 27853)] and gram positive bacteria [Bacillus subtilis (MTCC 441) and Staphyloccus aureus(ATCC 25923)] at four different concentrations (1:1, 1:5, 1:10 and 1:20) using disc diffusion method. Out of ten essential oils tested, 8 oils showed antimicrobial activity against one or more bacterial strains. Cinnamon, clove, lime, rosemary and lemon oils exhibited significant inhibitory effect. Cinnamon oil showed promising inhibitory activity even at low concentration, whereas aniseed and basil oil were least active against the tested bacteria. Majority of oils showed antimicrobial activity against the tested strains. However Cinnamon oil was the most potent oil and can be a good source of antimicrobial agents. 

Keyword :  Essential oils, Antimicrobial activity, Cinnamon oil, disk diffusion method.
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 19
Ultrasonic study of molecular interaction parameters in binary mixtures of diethyl ether (DEE) and some apolar solvents
S.K. Pradhan1, S.K. Dash2, M.D. Swain3 and B.B. Swain*4

1Department of Physics, nayagarh Autonoous College, Nayagarh Autonomous College, Nayagarh- India

2DESM, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Bhubaneswar India

3Department of Physics, Orissa Engineering College, Bhubaneswar India

4Plot No. 15 Chintamaniswar Area, Bhubaneswar India

Abstract :

Viscosities (h) , densities (r) and ultrasonic velocities (u) were measured at 303.16K for binary mixtures of diethyl ether with carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulphide and benzene. Using these measured values, isentropic compressibility (bs), intermolecular free length (Lf), molar volume (Vm), acoustic impedance (Z), available volume (Va), free volume (Vf), internal pressure (pi) and the relaxation time (t) were calculated. The behaviour of these parameters with molefraction of the mixtures has been discussed in terms of molecular interactions between the components of liquids. The larger negative deviation in the values of BEs,  LEf, VEf indicates that dipole-induced dipole type of interaction was found to be stronger in case of CCl4 mixture. 

Keyword : DEE, apolar solvent Binary mixtures, Ultrasonic studies, Dipole-induced dipole interaction.
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 20
Modelling of an inventory system with multivariate demand and partial backlogging
Rakesh Kumar Agrawal, Debangana Rajpoot and N.K. Varshney

Department of Mathematics D.S. College Aligarh India

Abstract :

In this paper we undertake to study the effect of multivariate demand on an inventory model. An order level inventory system is developed for deteriorating items with selling price, stock and time dependent demand. Partially backlogged shortages are permitted in inventory with constant backlogging rate. Procedures are developed for determining the optimal cycle time for all cost structures. The models developed are illustrated through numerical examples and sensitivity analysis is reported. 

Keyword : Multivariate Demand; Backlogging; Inventory; Optimization
DOI : jusps-B
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