1Jamkhed Mahavidyalaya, Jamkhed M.S. India
2Principal, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Mahavidyalaya Muked M.S. India
Indian economy is agrarian; hence the study of agricultural activity is essential. It is depend on several factors; but soil is an important element for agriculture. This paper discusses the effect on soil in pimpalgoan (Alwa) village. Such effect due to modern farming practices, particularly unplanned use of chemical fertilizer, pesticides and over irrigation. It outlines the problems which are beginning to become serious and suggest ways in which the situation might be improved. Soil management practices for sustainable agriculture are discussed and some suggestions are made on the future agriculture.
Department of Physics, S.G.S Govt. P.G. Sidhi (MP) India
The potential role of solar variations in modulating recent climate has been debated for many decades. Before the satellite period solar variability had been scaled from proxy data. So, the large uncertainty exists about potential role of solar variations in modulating recent climate. Recently, satellite observation/data and number of newly investigated solar features changes the old concepts. The Sun has a strong influence on climate. Important sources are cosmic rays which come from outer space and from the surface of the Sun, terrestrial radio-nuclides which occur in the earth's crust in various geological formations in soils, rocks, building materials, plants, water, food, air and in the human body itself. With the increasing use of radiation in health facilities, scientific research, industry and agriculture, the study of impact of low-level ionizing radiation on environment and possible health effects on future generations has been a cause of concern in recent years. The long-term trends in solar irradiance appear more plausible and produced modeled climates in better agreement. Solar activity varies on shorter-time scales, including the 11-year sunspot cycle and longer-term as Milankovitch cycle. The cyclical nature of the Sun's energy output is not yet fully understood; it differs from the very slow change that is happening within the Sun as it ages and evolves. In the present work, we have discussed effect of various solar influences to increase in greenhouse gases as well as climate change in the light of various latest studies.
1Department of Physics, Govt. College, Nainpur, District Mandala , M.P. India
2Department of Physics, Govt. College, Beohari, District Shahdol , M.P. India
3Department of Physics, Govt. P.G. Science College, Rewa, , M.P. India
Solar wind is a dominant feature in interplanetary space at 1AU. In the present analysis, events of high speed solar wind streams (HSSWS) have been taken to derive their relationship with geomagnetic activity for the period of 1996 to 2007; covering the solar cycle 23. Results of present analysis indicate that HSSW streams produce larger geomagnetic field variation during the decreasing phase of solar cycle 23. Minimum solar activity years show smaller increase in Ap values.