
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 23
Issue: 2
Article No. 21
Stability constants of Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) complexes of Glycyl Leucine by solution electrophoresis
Amar Kant, Manorama Singh1 and Satyendra Singh*

1Regional Director,IGNOU Regional Centre ,Gandhi Bhawan B.H.U. Varanasi UP India

*Chemical Laboratory Kashi Naresh Govt. Post Graduate College, Gyanpur, Sant Ravi Das Nagar , Bhadohi India

Abstract :

Modified electrophoresis technique viz. solution electrophoresis has been employed for the study of the metal ligand equilibira in solution. The method is based upon the migration of metal ion under electric influence in electrophoretic tube with variation in pH of the black ground electrolyte (ionic strength 0.1). The plot of pH Vs absorbance difference reveals the nature of complexation and help in calculating its equilibrium constants. The present work report the result on the binary viz. Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Zn(II)-Glycyl Leucine complexing system.

Keyword : stability constants, electrophoresis
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 22
The interaction of overtaking disturbances with strong spherical shock waves in sea water
R.P. Yadav1, Rohitashw kumar1, S.kumar1 and M. Yadav2

1Department of Physics, Govt P.G. College, Bilas pur (Pilibhit) India

2Department of Physics, Govt P.G. College, Kotdwar Uttarakhand India


Abstract :

The propagation of strong spherical shock in sea water is investigated by CCW method.Effect of overtaking disturbances is included using Yadav techniques Analytical expression for shock velocity and shock strength are obtained for two cases viz. (i) when shock moves freely and (ii) when it moves under the influence of overtaking disturbances. Assuming uniform density distribution, the pressure and particle velocity just behind the shock are obtained for both the cases. Their variation with propagation distance and specific heat index of water are computed and discussed with the help of tables. The results obtained are compared with those obtained by other method. 

Keyword : Shock waves, motion, water
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 23
On GF- Structure Manifold, Multirecurrent and Symmetry

Department of of Applied Science, BCT Kumaon Engineeering College Dwarhat India

Abstract :

 In this paper, I have highlighted (12),(23) and (13)-multirecurrence and multirecurrence symmetric in GF- manifold. A theorem on above multirecurrent GF- manifold involving equivalent conditions with respect to various curvature tensors has been stated and proved.

Keyword : structure, Symmetry
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 24
A Heterogeneous precipitate based sodium ion membrane sensors-Its preparation and analytical application

Department of Chemistry, Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women Coimbatore India

Abstract :

 A heterogeneous precipitate have been used as ion carriers for the preparation of Na(I) selective membrane sensor. This electrode give near-nernstian responses in the linear concentration range of 1M to 1×10-5 M with detection limits of the order of 10-5 M. The stable potentiometric signals are obtained with in a short time period of 4 minutes.The effect of pH and the effect of medium have been studied found to give a better response selectivity coefficient values (log KpotNa,M) have been evaluated using fixed interference method.The sensor have also been used as indicator electrode in commercial products. 

Keyword :  A Heterogeneous precipitate, Na(I) ion membrane sensor, fixed interference method
DOI : jusps-B
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Article No. 25
A new simple method for the preparation of sodium ion selective electrode-its preparation and analytical application

Department of Chemistry, Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women Coimbatore India

Abstract :

A heterogeneous precipitate have been used as ion carriers for the preparation of Na(I) selective membrane sensor. This electrode give near-nernstian responses in the linear concentration range of 1M to 1×10-3 M with detection limits of the order of 10-3 M. The stable potentiometric signals are obtained with in a short time period of 3 minutes.The effect of pH and the effect of medium have been studied found to give a better response.Selectivity coefficient values (log KpotNa,M) have been evaluated using fixed interference method.The sensor have also been used as indicator electrode in commercial products. 

Keyword : : A Heterogeneous precipitate, Na(I) ion membrane sensor, fixed interference method.
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
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Article No. 26
Theoretical Evaluation some Properties (Grûneisen parameter, Second Grûneisen parameter, Anderson Grûneisen parameter) of Alkali Chalcogenide Crystals (oxides and sulphides) using two interaction potential energy functions (IPEFs)
Biswajit Ghatak

University Department of Physics, T.M.B. University, Bhagalpur ,Bihar India

Abstract :

 In the analysis of crystal binding based on the interionic force model, the contributing arising from coulomb interactions, the dipole-dipole (d-d) and dipole-quadrupole(d-q) interactions and the short-range repulsive interactions of the Hellmann and Varshni-Shukla interaction potential model.The calculated values of Grûneisen parameter, , Anderson Grûneisen parameter using two different formula for each parameter and Second Grûneisen parameter are reported here for alkali chalcogenide crystals(oxides and sulphides) of NaCl-structure. The high pressure behaviour of these crystals has also been studied. The graphical natures of calculated values I.R. absorption frequency-reduced mass and calculated values Debye temperature-reduced mass are also shown. The results obtained here may add a little to the physics and chemistry of these crystals. 

Keyword : Grûneisen parameter, Second Grûneisen parameter, Anderson Grûneisen parameter, high pressure behaviour of thecrystals etc.
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
View Count : 737
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Article No. 27
Ligation of s - aryl complexes of Iridium by Heterocyclic thioamide
R.N. Pandey* and Sheo Shankar Kumar

P>G. Centre of Chemistry(M.U) College of Commerece Patna India

Abstract :

Oxidative addition of phenyl ion to Vaska's compound, [IrCl(CO)(Pf3)2] in presence of phenyl, parachlorophenyl, paramethoxyphenyl, paraethoxyphenyl and paratolyl derivatives of 1-substituted tetrazoline-5-thione are carried out and structure and mode of metal ligand bonding are investigated using spectral (IR, UV-Vis & `HNMR) and other physico-chemical data. The two Pf3 molecules are at trans in octahedral [IrCl(CO)(Pf3)2(ligand)]BF 4isolated products.

Keyword : Oxidative addition, phenyl ion, Heterocyclic thioamides
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
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Article No. 28
Metal Chelates of Copper (I & II) with 2-mercapto-3-substituted-quinazolin-4-one
R.N. Pandey and Arvind Kumar

P.G. Centre of Chemistry(M.U) College of Commerece Patna India

Abstract :

Dimeric bicoordinated complexes of Cu(I) and four-coordinated complexes of Cu(II) with a number of 2-mercapto-3-substituted quinazolin-4 one have been isolated and characterized on the basis of analytical, magnetic moment. IR, electronic, ESR and H NMR spectral data. Metal-ligand vibrations in far-IR have also been located and tentatively assigned. 

Keyword : Dimerici bicoordinated Cu(I), planar copper (II), Thioamides
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
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Article No. 29
A heterogeneous precipitate based sodium membrane ion selective electrode-its preparation and analytical application
J. THAMARAI SELVI1 and S. Nisidha2

Department of Chemistry, Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women Coimbatore India

Abstract :

A heterogeneous precipitates have been as ion carriers for the preparation of Na (I) selective membrane sensor. The electrodes give nearnernstian responses in linear concentration range of 1M to 1x10-2M with detection limits of the order of 10-2M . The stable potentiometric signals are obtained with in a short time period of 3 minutes. The effect of pH, and the effect of medium have been studied found to give a better response. Selectively coefficient values (log KpotNa,M) have been evaluated using fixed interference method. The sensors have also been as an indicator electrode in commercially available products. 

Keyword :  A heterogeneous peecipitate, Na (I) ion, membrane sensor, Fixed interference method.
DOI : jusps-B
Paper Download Count : 0
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Article No. 30
Ab initio, Density Functional Theory and Structural Studies of Pemoline
S. Sampath Krishnan#, V. Santhana Krishnan and R. Kumutha

#Department of Applied Physics, Sri Venkateswra College of Engineering, Sriperumbudar India

Department of Physics Jaya Engineering College, Thiruninravur Chennai India 

Abstract :

Quantum mechanical calculation of energies, geometries and vibrational analysis of pemoline (2-Amino 5-Phenyl 2-Oxazoline 4-one) were carried out by using ab initio HF and Density functional theory (DFT/B3LYP) methods with 6.31G (d,p) basis set. The optimized geometry parameters obtained by HF and DFT calculations are in very good agreement. The highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) are stimulated. The thermodynamic functions of the title molecule were also performed using HF and DFT methods. 

Keyword :  Ab initio, DFT, HOMO and LUMO.
DOI : jusps-B
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