
Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences - B
Voulume: 27
Issue: 1
Article No. 1
Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework For Teacher Education

RIE, Bhopal (India)

Abstract :

Teaching is the noblest of all professions. Teaching is a profession and teacher education is a process of professional preparation of teachers. The professional preparation of teachers has been recognized as crucial for the qualitative improvement of education since 1960s (Kothari Commission, 1964-66).

In its early history, teacher education has emphasized on the teacher’s knowledge of subject matter. Critical features of teaching, such as the subject matter being taught, the classroom context, the physical and psychological characteristics of the students were typically ignored in the quest for general principles for effective teaching. Lee S. Shulman first introduced the term pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) a form of practical pedagogical wisdom of able teachers to guide their actions in highly contextualized classroom settings. For Shulman8 pedagogical
content knowledge is the most useful ways of representing and formulating the subject that make it comprehensible to others. Cochran, et al.2 renamed PCK as pedagogical content knowing (PCKg) to acknowledge the dynamic nature of knowledge development and defined pedagogical content knowing as teacher’s integrated understanding of
four components pedagogy, subject matter content, student characteristics, and the environmental context of learning. Magnusson, et al.4 considered PCK as a separate domain of knowledge that is iteratively fueled by knowledge of its component parts: subject matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and knowledge of context. Gess-
Newsome and Lederman3 has given the transformative model of pedagogical content knowledge which is considered as the transformation of subject matter, pedagogical and contextual knowledge into a unique form of knowledge that impacts teaching practice. Pedagogical content knowledge includes knowledge of how particular subject matter topics, problems and issues can be organized, represented and adapted to the diverse interest and abilities of learners and then presented for instruction1. Van Driel9 model integrates the effects of external input, collegial interactions, and experimentation in practice on teachers’ PCK through processes of enactment and reflection. Although the term PCK is widely used, the breadth of what the term includes, details of its development has only been thinly developed.
From the viewpoint of teacher preparation PCK development is continual as a result of experience in many classroom settings with many students. The teacher education system through its initial, in-service and continuing professional development programmes is expected to ensure adequate supply of professionally competent teachers to run the nation’s schools (NCFTE, 2009).

Keyword : teacher Education
Paper Download Count : 4316
View Count : 900
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Article No. 2
Products of Modified Multivariable H-Function and General class of Polynomial on a Boundary Value Problem and its Solution

B.N. P.G. College Udaipur (India)

Abstract :

In this paper, we construct a model of a boundary value problem and then obtain its solution involving Product General Class of Polynomials and Modified Multivariable H-function

Keyword : Modified Multivariable H-function
Paper Download Count : 927
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Article No. 3
Some results on Electrical networks in graph theory

*Asst. Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ballari Institute of Technology and Management, Ballari (India)
**Asst.Profeeor, Department of Physics, SSA Govt. First Grade College, Ballari (India) ,   Email:

Abstract :

The behavior or dynamics of a circuit is described by three systems of equations determined by Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s voltage law, and Kirchhoff’s current law, Ohm’s law specifies the relationship between the voltage and current variables associated with a circuits element. This relationship could be a linear or non linear. If the relationship is linear, then the circuit element is called a linear element, other wise, it is a non linear element. In this paper we shall develop most of those results that form the foundation of graph theoretic study of electrical circuits.

Keyword : dynamics, electrical circuits, graphical study, inductance.
Paper Download Count : 1386
View Count : 954
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Article No. 4
Linearly Recursive Sequences of Fibonacci Numbers

1Department of Mathematics, Govt. Holkar Science College, Indore, M.P. (India)
2School of Studies in Mathematics, Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P. (India)
3Department of Mathematics, P.M.B. Gujarati Science College, Indore, M.P. (India)

Abstract :

The Fibonacci sequence is based on an additive relationship between any term and the three preceding terms. We shall make it a linear dependence and it will involve the preceding r terms. Here and throughout, q will note the general additive sequence. qn+r = a1q n+r-1+ a2qn+r-2 + … + arqn (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, …)

Keyword : Fibonacci sequence
Paper Download Count : 903
View Count : 967
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Article No. 5
Analysis of the General Hazards and Health Hazards Suffered by the Locals of Kodungaiyur Using Specially Linked Merged Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (SLMFCMs) Model

1Department of Maths Dr. Ambedkar Govt Arts College Chennai-39 (India)
2Department of Maths SIVET College Chennai-601302 (India)
Author E-mail :

Abstract :

In this paper we use the Specially Merged Linked Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (SMLFCMs) model to study all problems faced by the Kodungaiyur locals like poverty, ecological imbalance, soil water pollution, problems faced by local rag pickers, literacy rate, health hazards suffered by locals so on.

Keyword : Merged graphs, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Specially Merged Linked Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (SMLFCMs), Kodungaiyur Dumpyard
Paper Download Count : 919
View Count : 852
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Article No. 6
Approximation of Signal by Cesàro Operator Involving Lagrange Interpolating Polynomials on Jacobi Polynomials

Asstt. Prof, LNCT Group, Indore (India)

Abstract :

In the present paper, we study approximation of signal cesàro operator involving Langrange interpolating polynomials. Here signal is a function which is use in form of the Jacobi Polynomials.

Keyword : Approximation of Jacobi Polynomials, cesàro operator, Langrange interpolating polynomials
Paper Download Count : 787
View Count : 910
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Article No. 7
Approximation of Signal in Lebesgue Function by a System of Wavelets

Asstt. Prof, LNCT Group, Indore (India)

Abstract :

In the present paper, we study approximation of signal in Lebesgue function by a system of wavelet. Here wavelet i.e. in terms of Coifman wavelet system and signal is a function which is use in form of the Legendre polynomials. We have used Legendre polynomials, thus general case jacobi polynomials.

Keyword : Approximation of Legendre polynomials, Coifman wavelet system. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A10, 41A25,42C40, 47L20
Paper Download Count : 772
View Count : 826
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Article No. 8
Two new Fuzzy Models Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Model and Kosko Hamming Distance

1Department of Maths Dr. Ambedkar Govt Arts College Chennai-39 (India)
2Department of Maths SIVET College Chennai-601302 (India)
 E-mail :

Abstract :

In this paper for the first time two new fuzzy models viz Merged Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (MFCMs) models and Specially Merged Linked Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (SMLFCMs) are introduced. To compare the experts opinion a new techniques called Kosko Hamming distance and Kosko Hamming weight are introduced.

Keyword : Merged graphs, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Merged matrices, Merged Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (MFCMs), Specially Merged Linked Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (SMLFCMs), Kosko Hamming Distance
Paper Download Count : 778
View Count : 928
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Article No. 9
A Study of Values of Adolescent Girls studying in Segregated Schools and Co-Educational Schools

Asstt. Prof.
Anand Vihar College for Women Bhopal (India)

Abstract :

In the present study the investigator attempts to find out the value profiles of girls studying in segregated school and co-educational schools.. Sample consists of 400 adolescent girls. The data was collected using PVQ. The data was analysed using mean, S. D. and ‘t’ test. The study revealed that the sample students have shown their least concern for social values.

Keyword : t- test
Paper Download Count : 786
View Count : 941
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Article No. 10
Study of Problems Faced by Parents of Children with Disability Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Model

Department of Mathematics, AVVM Sri Pushpam College (Autonomous), Poondi, Thanjavur (India)

Abstract :

In this paper the stress and social stigma suffered by parents of disabled children are analysed using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) model. Such study is new for researchers have studied only the problems faced by disabled children using mathematical models. However study of the problems faced by those parents using fuzzy models is absent in literature. Here the study is carried out by a pilot survey of 50 odd parents who have been interviewed for this purpose.

Keyword : Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) model, Hidden Pattern, Fixed point, Directed graph and connection matrix.
Paper Download Count : 786
View Count : 920
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